He turned his head and looked at Hugh Zehuai’s little doll, chubby and smiling, and the little doll with big eyes seemed to notice Li Fuhai’s grin and kept smiling at him.

This smile instantly melted Li Fuhai’s cold heart, and he couldn’t bear to see the child executed. He looked up at the emperor and suddenly thought of something.
Zhen Fei begged the emperor again and again to spare the child’s life. She also said that she would like to die now if she could save the child’s life, but her words did not make Jun Yujue change her mind.
Zhenfei watched the emperor go away, and the tears became more and more fierce.
Emperor, emperor, I love you so much, but you won’t look at me.
Emperor, emperor, do you know that if you say you love me, even if you loved me, I am willing to admit all the crimes. You and I are always ready to turn our backs on our family.
Am I stupid? !
Everyone says that I’m smart and scheming, but I’m sometimes stupid, and when I meet the emperor, my stupidity is years. I look forward to your love every day, but that’s what I look forward to after all.
Everyone knows about Zhenfei, but the imperial edict, but anyone who hears a little news will implicate Jiuzu, so everyone is white in his heart but never dares to talk about it.
There are many ways to live in this palace. For those wannabe who have just entered the palace, it is the most basic and unchangeable way to talk less and do more.
Jun Yujue is said to be the’ victim’ of Zhen Fei’s snake-hearted murder of the dragon species. She has been grounded in Fengluan Palace and Lingwei has finally lifted her grounding.
The first thing she did when she lifted the grounding was to throw her weight around in front of Zhenfei.
When I think about it, the tables have turned. At the beginning, Zhenfei took her back for several months with a trick and a letter. Now it’s hard to be released. Naturally, I have to show off in front of Zhenfei and tell her who laughs last!
Ling Wei is walking slowly into the cell with the help of a child. The cell is in a dark corner. There is no sunshine here all the year round, so there is a very serious damp and moldy smell inside.
When I walked in, there was a smell coming head-on. Lingwei couldn’t help but raise her hand and sleeve to keep out these smells.
Caier carefully helped her "Empress slow down" in the quiet cell. Their footsteps were particularly clear. The sound of footsteps made people feel creepy. Caier couldn’t help shivering all over. "Empress, why do you have to come to this place?"
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 62 ZhenFei cried out (9)
Quiet cell, their footsteps are particularly clear, and the sound of footsteps makes people feel creepy. Caier can’t help shivering all over. "Empress, why do you have to come to a place like this?"
"At the beginning, she was so arrogant as if she had won the world. Now she has lost the palace. It is natural for her to see who wins and who loses." Ling Wei’s lip angle is like a sneer.
Caier nodded. "At the beginning, Zhenfei was so arrogant, and now she is down and out. She really should be called good-looking."
They walked into a cell. Ling Wei was sitting curled up in a corner in the old house. Her hair was messy and her clothes were dirty. Where was the woman who was so proud and peacock-like?
Ling Wei proudly shook his head and sighed, "It is said that the down and out phoenix is not as good as the chicken at first sight today."
Zhen Fei heard Ling Weiyin and slowly raised her head, perhaps knowing that she was going to die. Her face was pale and her eyes looked a little dry and peeling. "What are you doing here?"
"What are you doing? !” Ling Wei smiled gently and then turned her arm gracefully in front of Zhen Fei. "What else can the palace do today except to see your jokes?"
"ridiculous!" ZhenFei gnashed her teeth and looked at Ling Wei with sarcasm in her eyes.
Ling Wei doesn’t care about these. "In fact, there are still some things I want to tell you in the palace today." She waved her hand and motioned for Caier to retreat. "No one can come in without the permission of the palace, okay?"
"Yes, Empress" Caier turned back.
Ling Wei’s words didn’t make Zhen Fei react. She looked at Zhen Fei’s lips and evoked a little smile. She continued, "Aren’t you curious about what will become this field today?" Looking at Zhen Fei with fine eyebrows, she is looking forward to Zhen Fei knowing the truth and her expression is also very eager to see Zhen Fei going crazy when she knows the truth.
Zhen Fei is still unmoved, but Ling Wei is very patient because she believes that Zhen Fei will be even crazier when she learns the truth.
"The palace knows that you have probably guessed it in your heart, but you definitely don’t want to think that the person who will kill you is not the palace but the emperor."
At first, when she heard Ling Wei’s words, Zhenfei misheard herself. However, when she looked at Ling Wei’s eyes, her heart suddenly hitched, and several people in her heart denied it.
Zhen Fei’s performance made Ling Wei seem to have some confidence. She raised her eyebrows and was in a good mood. She continued, "Everything was a game from the emperor’s favor that day. The emperor meant to balance you in a harem, but the right prime minister repeatedly showed that Shu Guifei was fine in court, so the emperor had the idea of getting rid of the right prime minister."
"Of course, you are your father, the right prime minister, and you want to play a chess game in the court. It is also the emperor who gets rid of the right prime minister …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Ling Wei blurted out the whole thing, including how the emperor said that he didn’t want her unborn child to live, including how she was found and how the man appeared in her bed.
Zhen Fei’s eyes were full of surprise when she heard Ling Wei’s speech. She believed that the emperor should be so cruel to her and that the emperor should be so cold-blooded.
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 621 ZhenFei cried out (1)
Zhen Fei’s eyes were full of surprise when she heard Ling Wei’s speech. She believed that the emperor should be so cruel to her and that the emperor should be so cold-blooded.
Be lucky that you are an’ emperor’ and not someone else.
"You still don’t want to believe the truth? Didn’t the emperor let you see the truth? " Ling Wei doesn’t believe that Zhen Fei can calmly accept these truths.
No woman can accept the cruel degree of the emperor. What’s more, Zhen Fei is so infatuated with the emperor that it is impossible to learn the truth without collapsing in her heart.
Zhenfei couldn’t react for a long time. She didn’t believe Ling Wei’s words. Even if the emperor wanted to get rid of his father, Qian Qian had absolutely no way to choose this despicable and cruel means.
Ling Wei must be lying. She must want to see her own jokes!
"Is that all you said that I believe you?"
Ling Wei laughed at a look at ZhenFei eyes full of sarcasm "what do you think of you now this sample is there anything worthy of palace envy? You’re down and out now, and you don’t even have a palace. The palace came here today to tell you the truth with kindness, so you’ll die unsatisfied. "
Zhen Fei’s eyes are full of disdain. "If you come here to say that these lies stimulate me, I advise you not to waste your time. I won’t believe you."
"Believe it or not, it’s a palace matter that you’re so clever that you can’t analyze it. You’re grounded. If there’s no emperor’s acquiescence, who dares to enter and leave Yuhua Palace? Who’s your bed? That’s death row. Won’t you use your head to think about how death row prisoners get out of their cells?"
She looked at Zhenfei with irony in her eyes. I didn’t expect Zhenfei to be so stupid that I couldn’t think of such a simple thing.
Although she helped the emperor in these processes, the emperor ordered others to finish more things.
Zhen Fei was lost in thought when she heard Ling Wei’s words. Ling Wei’s words were unreasonable. It was impossible for death row inmates to come out casually. What’s more, it was even more difficult for them to enter the palace without being noticed.